Wisteria tree varieties are vigorous, twining vines with wide landscape usage where space permits and gardeners are committed to keeping them in bounds. Among their attributes are hardiness, vigor, longevity and the ability to climb high. They are greatly valued for their large, pendulous flower clusters that occur in the Spring. Flowers are pea-like and may be white, pink, lilac-blue, bluish-purple or purple in color. Find more
Wisteria tree varieties are vigorous, twining vines with wide landscape usage where space permits and gardeners are committed to keeping them in bounds. Among their attributes are hardiness, vigor, longevity and the ability to climb high. They are greatly valued for their large, pendulous flower clusters that occur in the Spring. Flowers are pea-like and may be white, pink, lilac-blue, bluish-purple or purple in color. Find more
white & flowering trees at Willis Orchards.
Late Winter pruning of at least half of the previous year's growth is key to getting the best and most beautiful flowers. They prefer full sun for the best blooms and may not flower in shade or partial sun. The fruit is a long, green flattened pod that is not particularly ornamental. The plant climbs by means of twining stems.
Older, established wisteria plants may have a twisted, woody trunk several inches in diameter. Spacing between plants should be at least 20 feet and they are cold hardy to zone 5. If you're looking for a show stopper, the alluring wisteria trees we have for sale are an exceptional choice. The unmistakable sweet fragrance and the breathtaking blossoms cascading on long racemes, Wisteria will undoubtedly be a splendid addition to any landscape. Buy wisteria trees online from Willis Orchards today!