Berry Plants for Sale

What could be better than a bowl of fresh picked berries from the berry plants in your own backyard? We make growing your own fresh berries, from your own berry plants simple and rewarding. Our berry plants for sale are selected specially for your home garden for high performance and yield. On this page, you'll find all of our berry bushes and shrubs, from blackberries, to raspberries and strawberries.

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Showing all products for this category.
Blackberry Plants
Blackberry Plants

Starting at

Blueberry Plants
Blueberry Plants

Starting at $14.95


Starting at $39.95

Raspberry Plants
Raspberry Plants

Starting at

American Elderberry
American Elderberry

Starting at $4.95
Zones: 3-9

Goji Berry Plant
Goji Berry Plant

Starting at $19.95
Zones: 4-10


Click for availability
Zones: 5-8

For many, childhood memories include traipsing across unchartered land searching out new discoveries and adventures. Surely amid those travels many of us came across berry plants and contrary to our parents' warnings to never eat anything that we simply happened across, we would stealthily pluck the berries from their host and gobble them whole and juicy.

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