Willowy Green Bamboo Plant
  • Willowy Green Bamboo Plant

Willowy Green Bamboo Plant

10" root clump
Ships: 10/15/2024 - 05/15/2025


About Willowy Green Bamboo Plant...

Grows in zones: 7 - 10

Bambusa Multiplex 'Willowy', also known as the Willowy Green Bamboo Plant, is a feathery bamboo, with canes that can grow 12 to 16 feet in height. As the bright green leaves continue to grow, the weight of them will pull the canes down gently, giving a slightly graceful bowing appearance. More recently grown canes have a whitish colored appearance.

Prices for Willowy Green Bamboo Plant

Shipping dates are subject to change
Size Ships Price
10" root clump
10/15/2024 - 05/15/2025 $74.95

Zone Map

Grows in zones: 7 - 10