Buy Vitex Chaste Trees for Sale
The Vitex Tree, or Vitex Chaste Tree has a long history dating back to ancient Greek times when Hippocrates would use its medicinal properties to treat injuries. However, the Vitex Chaste trees for sale are somewhat a new comer to many American landscapes. It is easy to grow and may grow as a bush form or be pruned as a small tree. It's fragrant blossoms are prolific all Summer long. Vitex flowers range from blue to pink to purple to white, which gives it a place in almost any landscape design. Willis Orchard is proud to offer this fine selection of Vitex Trees for sale.
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Blue Vitex Tree
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 6-10

Pink Vitex Tree
Click for availability
Zones: 6-10

Purple Vitex Tree
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 6-10

White Vitex Tree
Click for availability
Zones: 6-10