Persimmon Trees for Sale
The Japanese or Oriental Persimmon is a native Asian plant that has been in cultivation for many centuries. The persimmon fruit tree grows as a multi-trunked or single-stemmed deciduous tree to 25 feet high and wide. It is a lovely ornamental tree with drooping glossy green leaves and branches that give it a flowing, rather tropical look. The leaves offer a nice display in Fall, turning to dramatic shades of yellow, orange and red. Tea can also be made from the fresh or dried leaves of persimmon plants. The beautiful orange or reddish fruit in Fall hangs long on the tree to give additional ornamental value. This Fall ripening period makes persimmons very popular with hunters to attract wildlife. The fruits are classified into two categories: astringent and non-astringent. The non-astringent is as crisp as an apple when ripe. However, astringent persimmon varieties must ripen to be very soft before it can be eaten. If not, it will be a very bitter experience for you. But once ripened, the astringent varieties are as sweet or sweeter than non-astringent varieties. Japanese persimmon trees do best in areas of moderate Winter temperatures (USDA 7-10), however they may tolerate short periods dipping to 0°F when fully dormant. Create your own persimmon fruit tree orchard and buy fruit trees online at Willis Orchards!

American Persimmon
Starting at $5.95
Zones: 5-9

Chocolate Persimmon Tree
Starting at $94.95
Zones: 7-10

Fuyu Persimmon Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 7-10

Giant Fuyu Persimmon Tree
Starting at $59.95
Zones: 7-10

Hachiya Persimmon Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 7-10

Izu Persimmon Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 7-10

Saijo Persimmon Tree
Click for availability
Zones: 7-9

Tanenashi Persimmon Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 7-10