Cherry Trees for Sale
Prunus avium (sweet cherry trees) & Prunus cerasus (sour cherry trees), belong to the rose family and are closely related to peaches, plums, and apricots. Cherries are fat free, sodium free, and cholesterol free. They are antioxidant rich and help boost the immune system. The cherry is a great source of vitamin C but also contains vitamin A, calcium, protein, and iron. The word “cherry” was derived from the Turkish city of Cerasus. The state of Michigan boasts a whopping 4 million sour cherry trees, taking up 35,000 acres that produce around 75% of tart cherries for the United States. The state of Michigan also hosts an annual festival called the National Cherry Festival in Traverse City and is ranked among the top 10 festivals in the United States.
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Bing Cherry Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 4-8

Black Tartarian Cherry Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 4-8

Compact Stella Cherry Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 4-8

Kansas Sweet Cherry Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 4-8

Mona Cherry Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 4-8

Rainier Cherry Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 4-7

Sweet Treat Pluerry Tree
Starting at $84.95
Zones: 6-9
Low Chill Cherries

Brooks Cherry Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 6-8

Stella Cherry Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 4-8

Tulare Cherry Tree
Starting at $49.95
Zones: 6-8
Sweet Cherry Trees

3-in-1 Combo Sweet Cherry Tree
Click for availability
Zones: 4-8

4-in-1 Combo Sweet Cherry Tree
Starting at $124.95
Zones: 4-8
Tart Cherry Trees

Cherry Seedling
Starting at $4.95
Zones: 4-8

Dwarf North Star Cherry Tree
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 4-7

Montmorency Cherry Tree
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 4-8

Sand Cherry Tree
Starting at $4.95
Zones: 3-6