Pomegranate Trees
The Pomegranate tree is native to ancient Persia and was cultivated over the whole Mediterranean region since the beginning of written history. The tree was brought to California in 1769 by Spanish settlers and has become a wildly popular fruit today. Its popularity is primarily driven by the proven fact of its strong anti-oxidant properties. The rich, tart, unique flavor is also fueling the high demand and is a healthy ingredient to many of the new juice mixes found in stores.
(Click for more)Western Pomegranates

Angel Red Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $22.95
Zones: 7-10

Grenada Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $22.95
Zones: 7-10

Sweet Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $22.95
Zones: 7-10

Utah Sweet Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $24.95
Zones: 6-10

White Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $24.95
Zones: 7-10

Wonderful Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $22.95
Zones: 7-10
Cold Hardy Pomegranates

Kazake Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $22.95
Zones: 6-10

Nikitski Ranni Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $22.95
Zones: 6-10

Parfianka Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $22.95
Zones: 8-10

Salvatski Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $22.95
Zones: 6-10

Surh-Anor Pomegranate Tree
Starting at $24.95
Zones: 6-10
The pomegranate is mostly grown for the fruit crop. They are also used as ornamental shrubs or trees in parks and gardens. The pomegranate tree is drought tolerant and can be grown in a dry area and in areas where there is good rainfall. It is best not to plant in wet areas as they are prone to root decay for fungal diseases. Pomegranate plants also tolerate dipping temperatures down to about 10 degrees but should be planted in an area of protection from direct winter winds.
(Click for more)